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Hi! I am Debo


I am writing these words to you from the bottom of my heart

Here I am,
doing what I least like to do in the world...
...introducing myself, trying to show my best side. 
I'll speak sincerely without trying to make a good impression, without trying to sell myself for what I'm not.
I am not your typical yoga teacher, and my classes are not your typical classes.
I'm colourful, I love to laugh and I try to play down important issues, not because I don't respect them, but just to inspire my students, accompanying them with irony.


Growing up in Italy where religion has often oppressed me, "don't do it, don't even think about it, it's disrespectful and you'll end up in hell" ,I accumulated an aversion to religious and introspective themes for many years of my youth. Like many "new to yoga" I underestimated this practice for years, thinking it was "old man's stuff", until one day by chance after running in the park with a friend we did 20 minutes of strange "stretching" in my eyes.The same evening I fell asleep without feeling any pain in my poor cervical spine, twisted from birth and made worse by a car accident a few years earlier.To make a long story short, that's when my love for yoga blossomed, first from a purely physical point of view, but a few years later India opened my eyes, mind and heart to what real yoga is, because Asanas are only a grain of sand in an ocean of awareness. 


...But we all must start somewhere, and before we go inside, we start with the outside -what we can see and feel...

It is an honor to accompany you on this personal journey of growth, awareness, and compassion. 


Yoga and Meditation

What is yoga  for me?
Well, yoga for me is not just the asanas I practice every day, for me it's more of a lifestyle.
Asanas are in fact only a very small part of yoga and practising them is not enough to call oneself a yogi.
In my opinion, in fact, much more important than the asanas are the first two limbs that Patanjali derscribes in his Yoga Sutra, Yama and Nyama. They are ethical behaviours to maintain towards others and towards the world around us, and practices to improve ourselves.
Non-violence, truhfulness, not stealing, loyalty and not being jealous of others are fundamental principles for me, on and off  my yoga mat.

Meditation is in fact another big part of my yoga practice, combined with breathing exercises, build my routine. 
Thanks to the asanas I strengthen and flex my physical body and thanks to meditation I strengthen and "stretch" my mental body.
For me there is no one without the other... practising only asanas would be like eating bread and leaving chocolate behind!

Aromatheapy Oils

Ayurveda Massage 

In Sanskrit, an Ayurvedic massage or a full body massage is known as Abhyanga. The word is nothing but a combination of Abhi meaning ‘towards’ and anga meaning ‘movement’.

Although I have graduated in several massage techniques, I have decided to offer only Ayurveda massage because it is my favorite.

What do I love most? The abundant warm oil on the skin and the fluid movements of this technique give me the impression of dancing while massaging.
I also love the fact of accuracy, every single joint of the body is worked with meticulousness and this makes it a unique massage.

Unfortunately, due to past negative experiences, I have decided to offer this type of massage only to women or people who classify themselves as female.
I know that you shouldn't put everyone in the same basket, but my safety and the fact that I feel comfortable have priority in this case.



What do I like best about Reiki?
Its extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness.

Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that anyone can use.

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results after a series of treatments.

As above, unfortunately, due to some negative experiences I have decided to offer my Reiki services only to women and people who call themselves women.

Hope you will understand me ...

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